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Hi, All,
Long Story Short ::
SiteBuilder, Yahoo's Web Hosting software came crashing down
around our ears in 2021. All of us who used the service ("Yahooos")
woke to our sites being frozen in situ, thus rendering our
Grace4Life website (born in London in 2006) hopelessly orphaned.
But fear not! As Napoleon cried when crossing the River Sambre
en route to Waterloo, "Onward ever, backward never!"
Hopefully our battle to get this new site going will fare somewhat
better... eventually That you are here proves that we are at least
on the right track, though we apologize that there will be skimpy
content -- probably until I retire in January 2023 -- and have more
time to piddle! The good news is that you can find links to our
four published renewal courses below. Feel free to download the
files from and begin using them as you wish.
The ignominious fate of my formerly glorious Yahoo website.
But, we do ask this one thing of you :: For our joy, will you please let
us know how and where you are using them so we can track what use is being made of them. For instance, an MTW team in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso ("waa-guh-doo-goo") wrote that they were graduating a class who had studied our French translation of SONSHIP for Africa, Grâce pour la Vie. Then, in
April last year, Matt C. the leader of a Chinese campus ministry based in Los Angeles was led here by his good friend Joseph S., a campus minister in Louisiana, who said the course had "changed my life! So, Matt gave it a looksee, loved it, and, with my glad permission, had it translated into Mandarin.
This led to my mentoring Matt and Jo through the course for the good of our hearts, and to check the accuracy of the translation. Then, Matt asked me to teach the Annual Online Chinese Theological College (via Zoom) to Chinese nationals from 6 countries, and now, Matt and Jo are teaching it to Chinese pastors! So, I'd say our website is doing okay--wonky or not.
May 20th, we got this super-encouraging message via Facebook from Alice & Martin Tlustos, a dear Austrian couple we did a Sonship week for the SIL staff of East Africa way back in 2003--shortly before we left Africa to prepare to transition to England. Alice wrote :: "Hello dear Jonny, thanks soooo much
for your Sonship course, still many coming to Christ, when we teach it daily to our staff of 50 people in Dodoma/Tanzania. Many blessings and lots of love,
in Him yours Alice & Martin" WOW! Its so encouraging to see the way that the Gospel so impacts hearts, that not only does the fruit remain, what we pray
for actually happens :: "renewal leads to mission!"
PLEASE, share your suggestions as to how we might improve the courses so that they are more effective tools for the Holy Spirit to use in changing your heart and the hearts of those you are discipling.
Thank you!
Grace, mercy, peace & love be yours!
His needy sheep & your servants,
Johnny & Becky /
COURSE LINKS :: ( You will be connected to the proper folders our storage site, )
SONSHIP for Africa (English, 2nd Edition)
Grâce pour la Vie (French)
Grace4Life (English)
恩典一生 (Mandarin) - by John Wade Long, Jr. - GnomeSane Publications

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